Monday, April 23, 2007

April Showers

Today was wet play - oh deep joy! Luckily this afternoon was mainly role play and RE/PSHE discussions, so it got a little noisy but nothing too harum scarum. People who don't teach don't always appreciate how gruesome the effect of wet play can be - to that all I say is come into my classroom after wet dinner play and you will be met by the glorious smell of cooped up children. It's a little like the smell of wet dog, but less appealing...

This evening I'm staying to the Year 5 residential meeting, so I'm just taking a break from a huge pile of marking. Right now it seems like the magic porridge pot - however much I take away, the box is still full! Still, I can't get distracted by too much here in the classroom.

Oh, hang on...


Anonymous said...

I posted your second parcel today, I hope it brings sunshine to rainy days. It should be there at the end of this week.


Secret Pal

Anonymous said...

Hi Nic

I spoke to Jinny today and she's getting the pattern written down, it'll be part of the winter kits. Ooh hating saying that w word. But its true.