Saturday, January 06, 2007

Closing shots

[Cut to aerial shot of shop in the dark, only light comes from shop windows. A figure in a brown overall, hands thrust into pockets, strolls out and begins to take the stock in in a contemplative manner. Voice over is reflective in tone]

It's been a strange few days... Funny how much water can actually back up in an overflow before the pressure gets too much... I wonder how early in the Christmas holidays the thing sprang a leak? They only filled the old sink outlet with expandable foam, you know... no wonder it was a weak spot...

I don't envy whoever was first to find it on Wednesday morning. It was soaked right into the carpet area and the cupboard... Those cushions in the reading corner will have to go... and the soft toys and puppets - well if they can survive a 40 degree wash we might be alright...

You'd have thought gravel from the flat roof would be easy to jet out, wouldn't you? Don't envy whoever has to put the marigolds on on Monday to fish them out of the drain by hand...

I wonder how long the whole Infant department will smell of rotting vegetation? I wonder when the classroom will be useable again? I wonder how long I can teach in a spare Reception classroom before my knees go completely?

I wonder why it always happens in my classroom....

[Roll credits]

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